Become a Show Sponsor
Did you know?
Typically our staged productions have costs of around £12K-£15K to present. Our next show, Avenue Q, is no different with anticipated costs in excess of £14,000
The supporting professional band can represent as much as 25% of the costs
less than 70% of the show's income is generated from ticket sales
Front of House sales, Advertising and Sponsorship help us to plug the gap
As a registered charity and not-for-profit organisation BCOS receives no public funding
We rely on the generosity of individuals, organisations, businesses, charitable trusts & foundations and our audiences to help us survive in an increasingly difficult economic climate. So....
Avenue Q sees us once again supported by professional musicians.
This year we have 6 instruments; 2x keyboards, 1x wind, 1x guitar, 1x bass, 1x drums.
We're looking for sponsorship of each player - so that's 6 opportunities, shown by the images. In return for a minimum donation of £80 you will get:-
Your name listed in the programme, acknowledging sponsorship
1 complimentary adult ticket to the performance of your choice (value £16)
1 complimentary interval drink (value upto £3)
1 complimentary programme (value £2.50)
All donations of any size are greatly valued and go directly towards providing our audiences with first-rate performances.
How to sponsor:
If you would like to be a Show Sponsor you can click on the image you wish to sponsor to download a form to complete, sign and then return to BCOS either by post or email.
Alternatively click on the "Be a Show Sponsor" button to fill in details online.
If you would rather remain anonymous just tick the appropriate box on either form.
We will then be in contact regarding tickets when they go on sale to allocate your seat.

Gift Aid adds 25p in the pound to your donation, making your money go even further, so every donation of £80 becomes £100 at no additional cost to you, as long as you are a tax payer.