Subs generally work out to rouggh;y £5 per session, payable at the start of each term. These subs cover the costs of rehearsals only, whether or not you are taking part in the event being rehearsed for. They cover our fixed costs of rehearsal venue, MD & accompanist fees, insurances etc.
Unsubscribe from our contact list(s) or request data we hold, at any time by clicking below

We rehearse on Wednesday evenings in St Mary’s School, off Queen’s Avenue (near the Sports Centre), Bicester, from 7:30-9:30pm (10pm for shows).
If you can sing, act, paint, sew, make-up, work lights or build scenery, you will be most welcome as a member!
General enquiries -admin@bcoswesing.org.uk
To join email - joinus@bcoswesing.org.uk
message us via Facebook on facebook.com/BicesterChoral
New Members
We accept new members early in the rehearsal schedule for each event. If you would like to join please contact our membership secretary by email in the first instance, or by phone on 07467 306828 (you can WhatsApp this number too), for details.
New and returning members wishing to take part in performances as singing members will be required to take a simple singing test. Aspiring members are welcome to attend rehearsals on a trial basis for two weeks prior to auditioning. Our Termly Subs are set at a level to ensure we are covering our basic fixed weekly operating costs (rent, insurances, MD, Accompanist). Subscription rates for each term will be payable within the first three weeks of the start of term.
Students in Full time education (16+) at the start of the calendar year pay a reduced subscription.
Rehearsal Committment
Although an amateur choir, the quality of our performances is very important to us. We hope that you will be able to make it to every rehearsal each term, but we’re realistic enough to know that “life” gets in the way. If you want to sing with us on a performance day, we ask that you attend a minimum number of rehearsals each term (typically 75%), with the final rehearsal (usually on the afternoon of the concert) being mandatory. The actual number of rehearsals that you will be required to attend will be based on the number of rehearsal slots available to us and the complexity of the music, and will be decided by our Musical Director. If you’re planning to be away/miss some, don’t forget to try and keep a “spare”, especially in case of illness! And if you know can’t make the concert day, that doesn't mean we don’t want you to join us on a Wednesday; come along, sing, and enjoy the evening!