The NA (Not Available) form is your 'commitment' to the production.
We always try to maintain a balance between informality and structure- this is a hobby after all! That said, we aim to produce high quality productions for the paying public. This means commitment to turn up when agreed and knuckling down when required. There is nothing worse than learning complex music/words/movement when someone is missing.
As an onstage cast member, expect at this stage to potentially be called to a rehearsal every week (regardless whether you're a principal or chorus member)- sometimes for the entire rehearsal sometimes only for part of it.
Off Stage Chorus : for some productions we have off stage chorus. This is NOT the case for this show BUT we will have an on-stage 'Static Chorus" ; effectivley a choir but costumed and must know music by memory.
As usual, for shows, rehearsals will run from 7:30pm to 10pm each Wednesday.
We normally rehearse on Wednesdays over 20 weeks, plus a few extra days (4/5) added into the mix for principals.
We're following last year's approach this year, as it worked so well:
First 4 rehearsals from 8th Jan will be for principals/potential principals only.
Full cast rehearsals will start 4 weeks later on 5th Feb.
Nearer the show there will be 4 Mondays ( 14th & 28th April , and 12th, 19th May) as well as Wednesdays.
To assist with rehearsal planning, please complete the form asap, not later than 31st Dec
We need your contact details along with the dates you CAN'T attend.
Please complete and return this form as soon as possible - ideally not later than 31 Dec
Please give us your 'best guess' regarding availability as things currently stand.
We know 'life' gets in the way, but need to know if there are any dates you know you can't make, and once you've advised us please try not to change your plans by booking a random trip to the sunshine as has been known in the past! The direction and production team have planned when they're going to be there, we trust you will do the same.
This year, in the same way as with our choral works, we are asking you to aim for a minimum attendance of 75% of rehearsals you're called for. Unlike our choral concerts we may consider exceptions to this rule, at the discretion of the Director(s).
NB – The first 3 week's are likely to be music only rehearsals.
Costume Call: see the Cast page
Saturdays x2
Please keep yourself available for the mornings of Saturdays 10th and 17th May for possible promotional activities in town centre - we may need all the help we can get! (we will only use 1 Saturday, if at all)
Mandatory Rehearsals:
You'll notice the NA form stops on 14 May. This is because the last Monday (19th May) & Wednesday (21st May) rehearsal, are mandatory, as are the Tech and the Dress rehearsals:
- Mon 19th Weds 21st May - 7.30-10 St Mary's School
- Tues 27th May - TECH - 6pm-10.30pm Cooper School
- Weds 28th May - FULL DRESS - 6pm - 10:30pm Cooper School
Show Dates : Thurs 29th May, Fri 30th May, Sat 31st