In order to help us fulfil our requirements under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) we ask all new members/returning members to complete this form with their personal details. Please read all the statements and tick the box(es) to agree.
The Gift Aid statement will replace any former Gift Aid declarations. Please take care to ensure you select the correct option here.
Completing a Gift Aid declaration will enable BCOS to claim tax back from the Inland Revenue. For every pound you give to BCOS in subscriptions or donations we can claim the basic rate tax that you have already paid either as PAYE (if employed) or biannual tax demand (if self employed).
This means that every £10 can be turned into more than £12 and it doesn’t cost you a thing. You simply declare that you have paid the tax and we apply for it to be refunded to BCOS. You must pay enough UK income tax and/or capital gains tax to cover the amount of tax our charity will reclaim; if you pay higher rate tax you can declare this and claim back further on your annual tax return.